Tuesday, November 08, 2011


Officemates just left. Model doesn't converge after countless trials.

Why is life just more difficult for me??? A colleague from another department jokingly asked if "my balat ba ako sa pwet" after she encountered problems with her simulations while I'm consulting with her.

Tsk tsk...

So to appease myself, I visited Facebook and browsed through "my friends'" wall posts.

Some posts that I actually "liked":
Don't allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not. (True. But easier said than done; nonetheless, should remain true.)
And this:
True and true. In two aspects of my life right now.

And beat this:

The best way to end a conversation on Facebook is to like someone's last comment.

Hahahaha!!! Guilty.

Which reminds me, I have to meet the guy who posted the last one. He's a Jesuit priest based at the Ateneo who is a relative of the husband of my father's sister. Just imagine the link.

Now, back to work. And I will never get a lovelife for this! But I remain hopeful. At the right time.

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