And so I arrived at SMU at 5 minutes to 3 in the afternoon! I just slept the whole morning away. While in my bed, I was thinking what made me so groggy today. I recalled having a cup of hot milk tea yesterday. That milk tea must have drained me that's why my body was demanding more rest than usual. When I arrived here in Singapore, I got addicted to the hawker coffee (Kopi) I swore I need not drink a Starbucks coffee to comfort myself. Then I got introduced to milk tea which is even better because it is tea and does not have as much undesirable effect as coffee. Like coffee, it keeps me awake the whole day so I can study. Unlike coffee, it does not drain my system too much and so I don't feel as tired in the evening as compared to drinking coffee. The downside is that both coffee and milk tea are sweetened by condensed milk and the aunties in the hawker stalls are quite generous in their sweeteners. I have no plans of getting diabetes so I slowly tried giving up my daily milk tea fix by replacing it with hot tea from the tea leaves my classmate brought me from China. I had been taking hot tea for months until I consumed the whole pack of tea leaves. It was only yesterday that I started drinking milk tea again. And my body must have complained to this foreign liquid in my system.
P.S. About my previous entry here... I realized I was just bitchy yesterday. I believe that what is happening now is for the best of the two of us. I don't have to impose my own beliefs on you. When we were still together, I can recall telling you to find someone else soon so that I would be forced to move on away from you. I did tell you that and now you have done it. I must be thankful to you! Seriously, though, I am grateful for my experience with you. You have awakened many things in me. Just let me heal this pain, which I believe is normal, on my own.
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