Friday, May 24, 2019

Food for thought - on the need to help impoverished kids go to school

Was listening to a podcast over lunch featuring Michelle Obama.

I find these lines by Michelle really moving. It resonates with me because I myself am a living example of how education can change lives, and open a door of opportunity after another..

I took out the emphasis on girls or women, as these could apply to boys or men, too.

"The difference between success and failure when you…are a minority is really slim. If you get the wrong message, it sits with you the wrong way. And if you do not have an advocate, no opportunity, then you are sunk."

"Just imagine – there was something that was in you from the time you were 4 or 3. You talk to your parents, they could see that in you. So imagine that part of you that would never get educated, how you would feel, how frustrated, how angry you would feel? And to know that there are millions of girls (and boys) around the world (who do not get educated), 'coz talent, potential knows no country, knows no gender. The mirror image of both of you is sitting somewhere in Uganda (or just about anywhere), not being educated because of some cultural norm, or some closedmindedness, or some ignorance, (or simply no opportunity), and how that girl (or kid) feels – how you would feel in that situation?"

Food for thought on a Friday, and over the weekend...

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